วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 2 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2560

How to Get Rid of a Hickey

How to Get Rid of a Hickey
The heat and passion for love is always beautiful. It is often that lovers and couples kiss and make love, marking the marks and symbols for one another. However, a need to show up for an interview the next day wouldn't be so nice if one has a hickey. A hickey is a symbol or a mark made when couples have physical interaction, specifically when they kiss or sometimes go overboard. The heat and crave for love and lust may have planted the birthmarks splendidly, but won't it be a little inappropriate for the public eyes to catch a glance of it? Or perhaps notice the mark? Well, for the couple a hickey isn't something to be embarrassed for but the similar does not apply to the public.
'How to get rid of a hickey' is the highest searched topics online as couples and lovers find it embarrassing and uncomfortable to look for coverings and clothing with high collars. Although there are many ways to hide the love mark, hiding does not solve the problem at all times. To prevent the problems and misunderstandings from piling, it is crucial and essential indeed to completely to know how to get rid of a hickey.
Cooling The Heat of a Forceful, Passionate Kiss Mark
A hickey is a reddish mark or spot usually found around the areas of the neck. As the mark appears due to the heavy force and the heat of the kiss, it is a great idea to cool it with an ice pack or a frozen gel pack for a few minutes (depending on the mark and how severe it is). Pressing the ice pack slowly on the affected area will then gradually cool down the heat and the reddish spot.
Brush the Hickey Like How You Brush Your Teeth
As a hickey needs scrubbing on its dermal layers of damaged skin, use a new toothbrush with a toothpaste to gently brush the hickey. By gently rubbing and brushing, the circulation of blood will become better but remember not to overdo the process, too much force makes the case worse. Once the brushing is done, clean the area and use a cool pack to cool the hickey.
Using a Coin For Hickey Removal- The Painful Method

Although it is considered the most painful method among the two other methods, using a coin to rub of a hickey is very effective. Stretch the skin around the area where the hickey appears and use a coin to rub the hickey. Scrapes will trigger the redness of the mark but will gradually remove the hickey. 

